Sexual Trauma Resource Center

Charlotte Office
601 E. 5th St., Suite 400
Charlotte, NC 28202
Contact Information
Office Phone: 704.332.9034
24/7 Hope Line: 980.771.4673
Monday/Wednesday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Tuesday/Thursday, 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

The Sexual Trauma Resource Center (STRC) uses an empowerment model to help and support victims/survivors of sexual trauma and human trafficking through their healing journey. We advocate with victims/survivors to ensure they are safe, and their basic needs are met so they can focus on healing from trauma. To be a client of the STRC we do not ask victims/survivors to verify their experiences but base it off client's own definition of sexual trauma. 

Services We Offer

Our Sexual Trauma Resource Center provides a continuum of services for primary and secondary survivors of sexual trauma and human trafficking, including:
  • Hospital accompaniment for SANE and Strangulation Kits
  • Accompaniment for court proceedings, law enforcement reporting, etc. 
  • Long term advocacy services
  • Safety planning
  • Crisis intervention
  • Referrals and resources
  • Counseling*
  • Support groups
*All services are free except counseling which has a fee based on income and household size

We also provide ongoing advocacy, education, and emotional support to victims and their non-offending loved ones. 

Similar services are available in our Lake Norman office located in Cornelius for our North Mecklenburg clients. See Lake Norman Services tab for more information.​​​​​

The Sexual Trauma Resource Center offers services to victims of sexual assault and abuse regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, language, and immigration status. 

In an emergency please dial 911

Call the Greater Charlotte Hope Line 24/7 for info on parenting, domestic violence and sexual assault 980.771.4673.

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