Planned Giving

Planned Giving and Legacy Gifts

Through planned and legacy giving, you can transform your savings into lifesaving support, all while fulfilling your financial and estate-planning goals. This unique form of philanthropy allows you to make a significant difference without impacting your current finances, ensuring that you create a meaningful legacy for future generations.

What is Planned Giving?

A planned gift, or legacy gift, is a contribution arranged in the present to be allocated at a future date. Planned giving is an opportunity for you to support Safe Alliance both now and in the future, leaving a meaningful impact on countless lives. There are many ways to make a planned gift, providing flexibility to suit various financial circumstances.

Common Types of Planned Gifts
Consider these popular options for making a planned gift:

  • Bequests
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Life Insurance and Pension Plans
  • Memorial and Honor Funds
  • Pooled Income Funds
  • Retained/Returned Life Estates

What Are The Benefits of Planned Giving?
Planned giving offers numerous advantages, including:
  • Reduced income taxes
  • Avoiding capital gains tax
  • Increasing spendable income
  • Retaining payments for life
  • Achieving no-cost, worry-free asset management
When you choose to leave a gift to Safe Alliance through your will or trust, you are making a powerful, lasting impact on the lives of those affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. Your generosity ensures that victims and their families will have access to critical resources today and well into the future.

Bequest Language for Planned Giving
For general unrestricted support: "I give, devise, and bequeath to Safe Alliance, Inc., tax identification number 56-0529967, located at 601 E. Fifth St., Ste. 400, Charlotte, NC 28202, (state percentage of estate or residual, or sum of money, or otherwise describe property) to support its general purposes."

To support a specific program: "I give, devise, and bequeath to Safe Alliance, Inc., tax identification number 56-0529967, located at 601 E. Fifth St., Ste. 400, Charlotte, NC 28202, (state percentage of estate or residual, or sum of money, or otherwise describe property) to support (the name of the specific program)."

Fill out the Planned Giving Commitment Form online today or download the PDF Here.

You may benefit from contacting your financial or tax adviser about planned giving. To learn more about planned giving, email Tori Marshall or call 704-367-2761

Legal information: Safe Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as determined by the US Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service. Our federal tax id number is 56-0529967.

In an emergency please dial 911

Call the Greater Charlotte Hope Line 24/7 for info on parenting, domestic violence and sexual assault 980.771.4673.

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